Year 2 - Projects
Year 2 - Projects
Year 1
Year 3 - Projects
Year 3 - Projects
Year 4 - Final Project
Year 4 - Final Project
Year 4 - Final Project
class Island{ Island(){} }
With my concept coming to a completed stage it is time to begin formulating the core set of rules that will determine the system or environment for the artwork. Similar to Casey's example shown I will be compile a list of simple fundamental rules that represent the way connection and formed and destroyed across the Scottish islands.
I will be looking into real world examples to base my rule set from, like the introduction of the clyde puffer, the evacuation of St Kilda, and the weapons testing on Gruinard Island. Ultimatly these rules and events determine how resources are distributed across the islands. The resources being distributed could be people, coal, whisky, bricks and all other things made and shared on the islands. As these resources are distibuted they are used to develop or create stronger networks. Bricks that build a harbour.