Year 2 - Projects
Year 2 - Projects
Year 1
Year 3 - Projects
Year 3 - Projects
Year 4 - Final Project
Year 4 - Final Project
Year 4 - Final Project
Island Test
Testing the 3d printed islands with projections. Through the experimentation I can see the technical abilities and limitations of the process. We have started the explore the idea of a top down projector which will be explored more later as it requires special equipment. At this stage the concept of the island is very present and alters peoples perception of the work. The unknown scale of the piece was discussed briefly, the idea is something I went on to explore more and has influenced my project. The rotating lines cause a huge amount of distraction from the work. It is my aim to try next time to create a system of smaller less distinct lines that will combine to make one work. Showing the fine detail and scale of connections made, building up to something larger,
I will start to explore this scale-ability of the piece and the idea of an unknown subject. The work shows a model of connecting structure with very little identity. They could be atomic structures, land masses or universal models of constelations being formed. The core concept is the exploration of connecting objects. It is up to the viewer to create there own "island" or object to be connected.