Year 2 - Projects

Year 2 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Created Spaces - Outline

     I modified the Outline sketch to create shapes resembling cubes that could be positioned and extruded on different surfaces. This was to test the idea of created space and illusions. I was also interested in testing a large range of depth at one time so i constructed an area for projecting onto.

      Adding objects to the room to project onto changes the nature of the room and projection. It reduces the importance of the building and creates a more mobile style of projection. In these experiments I wasn't to concerned with changing the room however in my development and final piece the use of added objects will be minimal. It would be much better to find a location in the building that suits my need rather than creating one.

      When observing the 3d illusions it became clear that the perspective of the viewer was very important. The results could look convincingly 3d from one point but from another could just look like random lines.

     One interesting thing I noticed when experimenting was the hologram like reflections in the windows of the building. When all the lights are out in the room the projected light reflects off the windows and back into the room. This second opportunity to view the light could be used to create interesting works and help develop concepts.