Year 2 - Projects

Year 2 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Refining Decisions

     When we are planning a situation we never think it through once or in chronological order. We revise and refine our idea's and jump back and forth in the order of events. It is this thought process that I want to display as a narrative where the user defines the decisions made and then refines them.

     By looping the narrative and adding more choices on each try more and more detail will be added to the scenes. As the narrative loops more scenes are also introduced. Eventually all the disconnected scenes will merge together to make a short film defined by the user.

     The possible outcomes become out of control very quickly, and it is easier to create processes to control the information. I am going to try to create a template that can be duplicated to control the scenes.