Year 2 - Projects

Year 2 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

60 Second Short - HEAT

Initial Thoughts and Ideas -

    Its important when planning this project to remember that its only for one week. This means the simpler the idea the better (no sci-fi, car chases or zombies). Keeping the idea something fun that you can relate to helps keep you motivated.

    After going over idea's the main one that stands out is the connection between colour and temperature. Using a studio as the setting, the main character would paint a picture of different colours. As each colour is painted different sound are heard relating to the temperatures. Original I was thinking of using match cuts to different objects of different colours but I don't think it will be manageable in a week and in a 60 second short.  

     As well as hopefully creating something aesthetically pleasing I will get to have fun painting and being creative. This will hopefully reflect in the video and improve it.