Year 2 - Projects

Year 2 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Drawing Project - Day 5

Final Selection and Thoughts

-Textured chair (least successful)

      This task was really interesting and hands on. The object we made looked really interesting but it was too complicated and intricate to sketch quickly. As a result the images don't compare to the quality of the model.

- Hands drawn without looking at paper (most successful)

    These tasks were fun and produced really interesting results. I think part of the appeal is that the images are new and unpredictable when you revile what has been drawn. They were quick to produce and there is lots you could do with them after drawing. It would be interesting to see these in the 3d project or drawn with wacom tablets.

-Creepy beetle (progression)

     This was quite an effective piece and it has a very creepy feel. Some studies are harder to make out but the emotion is still present. The use of masking tape also works well with theme and help show the creepy emotions.

-Scene subtracted from darkness (progression)

     This image shows a style i would not normal use when sketching. I feel it could be useful in certain situations, and perhaps could be adopted to work in other mediums or digitally.

-Cups and perspective (progression)

      This collection of small sketches was fun to make and had an effective outcome. I think this is a technique i could use in future projects to quickly get a feel of a 3d object of idea.