Year 2 - Projects

Year 2 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

3D Sketching - the Software

     To draw in the software the original sketch was imported as a plane. Using a wacom tablet and the pen curve tool the image was traced. This created a 2D layer of curves which is then twisted and distorted along one dimension only. This keeps the original sketch shape intact when viewed from the front. Any rotations around the object reveal the 3D spiraling shapes.

      I will try to continue emphasizing the sketching and 3D element in the work. A slightly off white background looks more like the original paper. Depth of field dramatical enhances the 3D aspect of the work. By editing the camera these attributes can be altered. Below are some experements with depth of field.