Year 2 - Projects

Year 2 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Presentation and Final Thoughts

     The presentation which included a live demo of the piece went well with only some minor bugs from processing. there was a large group of people interacting with the piece. It was great to see a group of people using the work and seeing there influence on the piece as a whole.
     The presentation itself provided me with some more feedback on what I might do next year. One of the issues was that everyone had to download a processing sketch and run it in processing. So they need a link to the download, they need processing and they need to trust the creator. For these reasons and more I am starting to think about using javascript, making the piece instantly accessible to anyone with a phone and internet connection. For the internet connection it was suggested a router could be used to create a local area network which fits nicely with the theme of visible networks.

     The next steps would be to look at the technical aspects of javascript and to do more work on the meaning behind the piece, looking into communications and interactions.