Year 2 - Projects

Year 2 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Getting the data

     We were shown the website to use for gathering data about twitter. It was easier for us at this stage to get the data by hand from this website rather than using the twitter api which would require a 4th coding language.

     When experimenting with the analytics page we were given three possible words to search. They would be displayed on a graph in the colours orange,green, and blue. Since we were just exploring i decided to compare the three colours that were shown. The graph bellow shows the number of tweets containing the word orange, blue and green over the last 30 days.

     I was surprised to see such a large number and difference in the data. After seeing this data visualization of the colours i realized that this information could be very rich and useful for creating frequency charts. I changed the colours to the stardard RGB so they would mix with javascript easier.