Year 2 - Projects

Year 2 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 3 - Projects

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

Year 4 - Final Project

The image

      I spent a bit of time working on the images made by the calculator. It was quite difficult to translate the signal into meaningful shapes and colors. My main objective is to have responsive images so that when you press buttons you get a very good sense of connection and control between you and the calculator.  

     The first images I made used the sound wave visualizer. I think there work quite well becouse they correspond to what we hear. It also means that if the sound get loud the visuals also get busy.

      In the next images i added color and fading background. The colors are currently just random but I am planing to change them to the 4 colors found on the calculator body - Black, white, red, and yellow. The background image fades as it draws, this gives you a better sense of time but without the image building up too much.

These images don't fade, as you can see they because very chaotic and confusing. 

     I experimented with creating drawing "robots" that would be controlled by the calculator signals. The results are interesting but there is almost too much control by code to create the image. I think that the processing side of the code should be more of a visualization than an interpretation.